1978 - Bought the Raikes Farm, in Nidderdale

1978 August

Created by Ruth 3 years ago

Having visited Nidderdale lots over the years, Joy and Arnold (and Sandra) were looking for somewhere where they could live, kind of next door to each other. I think the views and being on the south facing side of the valley drew them to put a bid in for the Raikes Farm.

It needed a lot of renovation work, and many weekends were spent 'up at the farm' while it was renovated. (There is a whole book of pictures, just don't mention the weekend that the end wall fell down!)

A regular treat of visiting Harry Ramsdon's Fish and Chip restaurant (with the chandeliers and huge glass mirrors!) on the way to the farm on Friday after work.

(Picture below, Raikes Farm, from June 2011)
